Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Not Two, Not One

Find the resting point between
voluntary and involuntary
Between feeling and emptiness
Between breath and emptiness

There is simultaneously only
Manifesting and only emptiness

Infinite nothing - no duality
Manifestation birthing emptiness
Emptiness birthing manifestation

Die to everything and everything reveals

Never dying the same way
Never discovering the same way
Always new, always old
Always needing breath
Always being breathed
Budha Nature

Travel and Explore

Travel and explore not according to anyone
Go where no map could take you

To connect the dots, connect your breath

Let your breath build the runway that launches
you into the unknown

Know what is in front of your face without there being a knower
and nothing shall be withheld.
All consciousness is embedded there

There is no place to hide when there is no hider
Only beautiful omnipresent echoes of truth
Music that cannot be heard, seen, touched

Emptiness if fullness, Fullness is emptiness

Take the flower with one hand and let go with the other
One acting, One taste, No duality, One hand clapping
before you were born

When everything is left behind, who is there
left to travel?

What You Already Know

Say hello
That you already know
That you already know
That you already know
That you already know
So let it go
What you already know
So let it go
What you already know

There are no surprises in what arises
Be in the glow of what you already know
Let it flow and let it go
And let it go
And let it go
There is nothing to know

A Stitch in Time

Surrender to what is real
That is where unknown wisdom lies
The breath sews the fabric of existence
A stitch in time
Makes me feel fine

Fullness of Mind

No emergency mind
Full feeling mind
Full being mind
Full sensing mind
Full no mind
Full dying mind
Flawless lens
Spotless mind

Not According to Anyone

See - not according to anyone
Do - not according to anyone
Exist - not according to anyone
Be - not according to anyone

See for yourself
Do for yourself
According to yourself
Think for yourself
Exist for yourself

do Existence for yourself


Absolute creative indifference
Absolute what is
No one, nothing is there
Breath and what is - absolute nourishment
One moment - One moment - One moment
Intelligence occurs when there is no one to be intelligent
No self - No object - No self - No object
Orgasm of Being
The deep sleep of waking up

Zen Poem

True spaciousness, true aliveness, true flow,
True flexibility, true peace, true nothingness, true breath.

Letting go of the one who lets go

Sense the space that takes up no space
The song that has no sound

The infinite that takes up no time
The truth that cannot be thought about
It offers you no choice, no existence, no being, no thought

Rest in its bliss if you can
There is really nothing that is not already there.
The first act of existence has always been there and is the only thing that has ever been there
This courage is your co-creator and friend

Gently wake up

Lightning Strikes

From the gathering clouds of potentiality
The lightning strike of the present moment
Parts the waters of past and future

It strikes again and again
Yet there is only one strike

Fun to think about while the lightning strikes
Between each thought illuminating such folly

There is no real place where truth is not
There is no real place where self is

Nothing more need be said

Where There is No Place

Where there is no place
There is nothing to do
There is nothing to not do

There is no sound, and no one not to hear it
God looks into the mirror and
There is nothing on either side

Pure form - pure emptiness
Cannot be seen, touched or thought

What a Relief

Not to seek at all
Not to think at all
Not to do at all
Not to be at all
Not to try at all
What a relief!

Slide down the mountainside
Feel the fresh air
Deeper, deeper and deeper
Splash into infinity
What fun!
Now only the ocean


Gently touch the landscape of your mind
Rocks, grass, mountains, caves, rivers, glaciers
Who could disturb such beauty

Tall grass dancing and bobbing in the wind
Reveals the invisible force that has moved it
and harmonized it

You came into being before you came into being

Gentle isness breathes its fresh air upon me
Gentle isness waters my ground and allows me to grow

The lovers embrace the duality and
Simultaneously let go into its one perfect freedom


In the space of silence
The truth gently offers itself.


Existence comes before feeling
Present comes before past
Truth comes before belief
Breath comes before action
Being comes before mind
Feeling comes before thought
Risking comes before security
Being comes before being

Bring the truth of your existence into the present with your breath

In the waters of radiant honesty and compassion
I bring forth my existence into the world. I allow self and others to meet
To dance the dance of same and different
Security without risk is death

Suddenly it is God himself that takes this divine risk to manifest and know himself in infinite ways

The Flow

Wait until deliberateness and natural flow become one

Sit until illusion becomes transparent

As we let ourselves be unraveled by the natural flow
We are revealed to ourselves

The greatest of all truths is that there is only the flow

The greatest of all lies is to put it into words

Thought Puppets

Let each thought see itself in the freshness of its own mirror - wiped clean

By its own self - liberation

Total death - total oblivion

Thoughts are puppets - produced by an ever-silent puppeteer. The puppeteer lets go of the strings in the end but the thought clings to the previous thought and following thoughts - thinking its existence is to be preserved, not really, it's just a puppet doing a dance

No One is Here

To lay down one's life for one's self
To allow yourself to die into your organism

No longer necessary
A sacrifice of the greatest love

No one is here
No one is here!

Be seen by the trees
Be seen by the mountains

Yet there is nothing to see
There is no one to look at

Stroke of Luck

Every thought a stroke of luck
No one there to observe
Yet it is seen

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Wash Away

Break open, explode, differentiate
Metabolize, dismantle, disenthrone, expel
the rancid past.
Stand flush with what was and still is.
Let it die to become re-assimilated.
False emergencies that go rigidified.
my breath flows with experiences.
Scale the Grand Canyon of the past
Let the compassionate river of soul wash it away
wash away, wash away, wash away.
purify, purify, purify

Monday, May 4, 2009

Every Moment

Every moment is an experiment
Consciousness and creativity together
Consciousness permeating the furthest universe
The future churns with the present
Timelines moving sideways crashing against the shore
Sit on the shoreline basking in what cannot be described
Beings of the future creating the beings of the present
Time transcended itself long ago to join the larger community
An infinite spectrum of spectrums
Smell the perfume of a 17 dimensional Now

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Everchanging Existence
Everchanging Experience
Everchanging Development
Everchanging Contexts
Everchanging Meaning
Everchanging Truth
Everchanging Growth
Everchanging Arising
Everchanging Flow
Everchanging Unchanging