Sunday, June 8, 2008


The I that says and thinks "I create my own reality" cannot

The I that wants and thinks to get rid of ego cannot

No identity bathes in the waters of non-duality

You must shed all before entering

Go deep and regain no-self

The I that ignores the involuntary has no real volition


Lightning strikes the very core, nothing happens.

The babbling mind and babbling brook are flowing backward to the sea from which they came.

Listen to the smallest ripple of silence.

There is no clarity without clarity.

There is no mind without no-mind

If you meet your Self on the road, bow as if you were bowing to the whole cosmos.

Not Knowing

"I could be wrong", the thought-perception that teaches us humility and allows us to marvel at our not knowing

If I truly know nothing then I am truly liberated from right and wrong

What good teachers we are when we teach ourselves nothing

Head in the heavens

Head in the heavens
feet in the molton core of the earth.
middle at every level
basking in the suchness of it all