Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Lens / Mirror of Consciousness

In consciousness, the lens is is not separate from what is perceived.

A dirty lens creates noise and distortion which in turn can be perceived with distortion.

One cannot see the "flies in one's eyes" correctly because of the "flies in ones eyes".

A clear lens can be likened to the surface of a pond. When the water is quiet and not muddy it reflect or (resonates with) the outside world with little distortion and from many perspectives simultaneously.

Likewise the surface of clear quiet water reflects without distortion.

Breathing and Attention

Breathing and attention are like brother and sister. Where the breath goes so does the attention. When the breath is shallow, attention is shallow. When the breath is deep, attention can be deep. Breathing is the point where the voluntary meets the involuntary. Every breath is an echo of the original one breath. Let the breath be undivided, then when you fully find the point where reality splits into two; it convulses into one. This point has awaited your attention even before you were born.

Simple Silly Sayings

What you most fear is what's most near
What you deny will make you lie
And what you resist will always persist
For what you hide will still abide
Your shadow knows beneath your clothes
Hide in a role and lose your soul

When you don’t breathe life takes its leave.
What you don't cry begins to die
What you don't use you’ll surely lose
What you repress will make a mess

So repossess what you repress
Feel Primal Pain’s emotional brain
And make it less when you express

To empty the pot you must practice a lot
And what you should heed is what you need
To move up from survive to be fully alive

Let “what you notice” unfold like a Lotus
Let your life be surprised by what will arise
What you don't taste you’ll surely waste
And meditate don't medicate

For what you allow you can avow
What you face & embrace you can surely erase
What you feel you can surely heal
Go up to your box and open the locks
For what you can be, you will set free

What you think will make a link
But what you conclude will delude
It’s what you don't know that makes you grow

When you’re direct you will connect
Jump in the stream that flows through your meme
When you’re in the flow you can trust what you know
Mind plus Heart makes you act smart

When no-thing is your clothing
Figure-ground is lost and found
There is no “duel” in non-dual
In the eye of the storm “Emptiness is form”,

You want the truth? then let it loose
Get off the hook, shut up and look!
What you see and hear will make it clear
The Suchness of things the whole universe sings

Achieving Balance

May we be able to achieve balance (homeostasis) between:

Process and Content
Abstinence and Indulgence
Healthy Pleasure and Healthy Discomfort
Work, Rest and Enjoyment
Doing and Being
Contact and Withdrawal
Current Gratification and Deferred Gratification
Narrow Focus and Diffuse Focus
Healthy Creation and Healthy Destruction
Health Shoulds and Healthy Wants
Nourishment from Self and Nourishment from Others
Charge and Discharge
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Heart, Mind and Soul
Healthy Strength and Healthy Weakness

God / illusion

The very thing we seek is the essence of everything around us

There is no place in the universe which is not the very center of God

Like a child playing with the long veil of illusion, we learn to play hide and seek with reality

Such a fascinating game that, at one time, gently caresses us and loves us until we open our eyes,

and at another, walks us kicking and screaming through the painful primal fires that wake us up

Life itself won't leave us alone, forever beckoning us to see what has always been in front of our face

Unfold yourself to see what God has never seen and has always been

Chant the infinitely long sacred words of true emptiness and existence. This is the sound of God's voice

There is but one voice echoed in an infinite number of ways.

It is said the ear through which we hear God is the same ear through which God hears us

Now….. Just listen!!

The fabric of a young child's game never existed. That which is left, dies and is reborn in every vibration

No one is left

In the mundane is the highest celebration of God's presence

Now enjoy a piece of chocolate!

Catch What Eludes You

Catch what eludes you.

Move along dimensions you haven't imagined yet.

Loosen the tight helmet of your own conditioning.

Embody the message of your own experience.

Breathe breathing. Feel what you haven't felt yet.

Waves lapping on the lakeshore for no reason, giving birth to each moment

Each a page in the true book of revelation

Feeing Felt

Feeling Felt

Breath Breathed

Thought thought

Existence existed

Nothingness nothinged

Not this, not that. What a relief!

How Truth Comes Through

The truth comes from all existence.

How could it be any other way?

It comes through in spite of any book.

It comes through in spite of any belief or religion.

When you grasp it you are misled.

When you think about it you are misled.

The most amazing thing is that we have such tremendous abilities to keep ourselves from seeing it

Consider just to stop doing what keeps you from the truth.

Consider awakening your passion to discover and find out.

Religion, beliefs and books can often be the tools of the sleepwalker. (We all start as sleepwalkers.)

Relying on them, without transcending them

is like stationing yourself at the sign post without moving on down the road in the direction sign is pointing.

It is also like wearing your clothes in the shower.

When you put them aside you get the full shower.

This "shower" washes away that which is not true.

It washes away our own bull shit and the bullshit in the world.

The water reaches the roots of your being.

What is left is a delightful spacious emptiness that cannot be compared.

Get naked.

In this space you can grow fast.

Naked Awareness - Naked Pain

Let naked awareness touch naked pain

Unlock that which is bound up

The unbearable is bared one writhe at a time

Don't hide from the wounds you don't know you have

Crack open futility and hopelessness to reveal the unfelt

See Yourself

To see yourself - look at a flower

Every arrow of attention that shoots out sends a twin arrow of attention within

As Emptiness and Form are the same, so are these arrows

These arrows can kill you

Die this moment and your life is returned to you

"Blessed are those who were born before they were born"

Blessed are those who died before they died


Highest consciousness

Highest creativity

Highest expression

Highest activity

Highest joy

Deepest shadow work

Deepest feelings

Deepest pain

Deepest release

Deepest ground

Deepest flow

Deepest healing

Deepest truth

Biggest whole

Never lose sight of the whole

Never compromise health


Fall from the tree with shimmering leaves and swaying branches
surrendering existence as you fall
Symphony playing itself
One note, One Taste
Bottomless space liberating itself

Dying to One's Self

To lay down one's life for one's self
Allow your self to die into your organism

No longer necessary
a sacrifice of the greatest love

No one is here
no one is here!

Reality itself sees

Be seen by the trees
Be seen by the mountains
Yet there is nothing to see
There is no one to look at